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EPLAN FAQs: Tab Sequence (Cable Numbering)
In forums on the subject of electrical planning, you often come across the question: Isn't it a bit easier, preferably automatically, to do this with cable numbering? For good reason, since it often happens that many cables within a project have to be renumbered. A manual procedure should not be the standard for this reason alone.
In the EPLAN system the cables can be renumbered automatically without much effort. Let us look at the order in which cables should be numbered. The chief question to look at is always what devices are attached to the ends of the cables.
Numbering Manual cables first:
If the "number cables manually" check box is selected, manual cables (this is cables on which the cables definition line is not automatically placed) are numbered first. Cables with automatically placed cables definitions lines are numbered secondly.
In addition, manual cables are numbered according to their graphical sequence. The number terminal- / plug-oriented setting no longer has significance for manual cables.
This setting has priority over the setting in the "Number cables at plugs first" group box.
Number terminal- / plug-oriented:
If this check box is selected , cables attached to terminals or plugs are numbered first. Cables are numbered in sequence of the terminal strips, whereby the source DT is the deciding factor of numbering.
Terminals and plugs are treated equally here i.e., first all cables are numbered that are attached to terminals or plugs. Then cables that are not attached to plugs or terminals are numbered.
If the check box is not selected, cables are numbered according to their graphical sequence, schematic logic in the plot frame, and the position of the cable definition main function.
Number cables at same targets consecutively:
If this check box is selected, cables leading to a common target are numbered consecutively. The next cable that doesn't lead to that target is numbered after that.
There are four cables in the schematic: W1, W2, W3 and W4. Of these, W1 & W3 lead to terminal strip X7 and W2 & W4 lead to X8.
Select increment: 1
Prior to numbering: W1, W2, W3, W4
After numbering:
W1 remains W1,
W2 becomes W3,
W3 becomes W2
W4 remains W4.
Number cables at plugs first:
This setting can start the numbering for cables that end on plugs.
NOTE: It does not matter whether a cable ends on a plug.
All: Among the selected cables, the ones that end on plugs are numbered first. If the "Number manual cables first" check box is also selected, then the cables will be numbered in the following order:
- Manual cables that terminate at plugs
- Manual cables that do not terminate at plugs
- Automatic cables that terminate at plugs
- Automatic cables that do not terminate at plugs
Only those automatically generated: among the selected cables, the automatically generated ones that end on plugs are numbered first. If the "Number manual cables first" check box is also selected, then the cables will be numbered in the following order:
- Manual cables (independent of plugs)
- Automatic cables that terminate at plugs
- Automatic cables that do not terminate at plugs